
An interactive financial risk management module that delivers custom risk reports based on user preferences, financial variables, and economic scenarios. It offers features such as Asset-Liability Management (ALM) reports, Economic Scenario Generation (ESG), Value at Risk (VaR) modeling and more.


Full and controlled calculation of the Solvency II standard model. It offers complete control over Solvency assumptions, including systematic asjustment, yield curves Smith Wilson,  correlation matrices and more. The module performs bottom-up calculations of Solvency Capital Requirements (SCRs) for various market risk components, including equity, spread, interest rates, currency, property, and concentration risks. 


The platform offers granular analyses of income by premiums and reinsurance components, and expenses by payments and commissions components. This detailed breakdown aids in identifying financial trends and areas for improvement. It calculates values in force, profit and loss, and reserve development across various scenarios and components.
For Non Life computes SCR for each line of business, including Non-Life and Non-Similar to Life Techniques (NSLT) Health breakdowns, as well as CAT, lapse, premium, and reserve SCR components.
The module facilitates bottom-up balance sheet creation, automatically populating Solvency and Helper tabs, and generating the QRT Report. This automation streamlines reporting processes and enhances accuracy.


Product benefits

  • Visualized user-friendly platform with a modular, drill-down dashboard
  • Automated modeling, risk analysis, and projections
  • Custom reports are generated with the click of a button
  • Handles life and general insurance in similar ways

Technology benefits

  • Zero-maintenance, zero-hassle cloud SaaS solution
  • Allows API integration with your current platforms
  • Can work in parallel and on top of current systems like Prophet / Moses
  • Something about improving data terminology – ML

Regulatory benefits

    • Compliance with Solvency II and IFRS 17 regulations
    • Capital projection
    • Integrates assets and liabilities
    • Works at a policy component level

    Outcome benefits

    • A higher degree of freedom in setting present and future asset allocation and risk policy
    • Saving time and resources
    • Improved business processes and profitability
    • Better decisions made with more confidence

    “With the support of Remitrix solution, the workflow for Solvency and Risk Management reporting has

    reduced from weeks to days. The capital projection has been refined both on the actuarial and financial

    side due to inaccuracies that have been discovered with the manual models which were used so far.”

    Zvi Leibushor

    CEO of Shirbit

    Let’s Get Started

    Bridge the knowledge gap with our holistic risk platform